Mother: Reina Avalos

Age: 45 years old

Kids: Glenda 11, Danny 9

About the Family: When we started the Kids Learning Class, Glenda was one of the first ones to get involved. Being one of the older kids coming to the classes, she’s become one of Lindsay’s assistants in the class. She is always helping others who need assistance and is always willing to serve with great attitude. When we asked her what her dream was, without hesitation she said, “I want to be a Pastora (female Pastor)”. Then I asked her why and she answered, “Because I want to serve God, I want to be involved in His works”. All the kids there have great potential and you can see the purpose of God in them, but its amazing the fire you see in Glenda. She has such a tremendous willingness to serve and a great desire to know more about God and be involved in ministry for the rest of her life.

At the end of our last visit as we were about to leave, Reina asked me to stay where I was and she left running. Then, she came back and gave me a bag of fresh bread that she baked that was to be sold later in the streets to help support her family. She said she is extremely thankful for what we are doing but mostly because she can see that we are encouraging her daughter into becoming a great woman of God.

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